While many equipment customizations are available in Arma III, it is important that the appearance of Force Reconnaissance Marines reflects the discipline and professionalism that their organization prides itself upon. Therefore, a certain degree of standardization is required.
Images of the various loadouts are provided below: From Left to Right: Standard Operator Uniform, MARPAT, Amphibious, Scout Sniper
A. Standard Operator Uniform:
This is the standard uniform for all Reconnaissance Marines in the unit. This uniform is to be worn during training sessions and operations unless specified by the unit commander. Its components are the following: • Combat Flight Suit (OD) • Plate Carrier (Coyote) • Backpack (Coyote) • MICH Helmet (Foliage Green) • AN/PVS-14 Monocular Night Vision Device
Depending on the mission and environment, Operators may also be permitted to keep a MARPAT loadout for the occasion. NCOs and Officers, and other enlisted personnel (at the discretion of the Command Staff) may make slight changes to the headgear and facewear. For example, this Operator is wearing an OD face mask and a black cap in lieu of the MICH helmet.
C. Amphibious Operations
During amphibious and underwater operations, the uniform is replaced by: • Wetsuit AAF • Rebreather (CSAT)
D. Scout Snipers
Since M40a3s are not currently available to the unit, a Scout Sniper's weapon system consists of: • M24 modular • M3A or M3LR optic • Bipod • personal choice of sidearm with an available suppressor
Gear typically includes: • Full Ghillie (AAF)
E. Weaponry
Riflemen: As per standard issue, the approved primary combat rifles used by team members are the M4/M16 series rifle and its variants using a 5.56 cartridge. These must be capable of semi-automatic and automatic fire whether burst or fully-automatic.
Automatic Riflemen: Automatic Riflemen are advised to use the M249 SAW with a medium range optic such as an EOTech Holographic Sight with magnifier. They may also select other LMGs/General Purpose Machine guns at the discretion of the Command Staff. One such option is the M240 series of GPMG for situations that do not depend as highly on mobility.
Designated Marksman Designated Marksman are to use a 7.62x51 rifle that utilizes a DMR/long range optic. Such rifles include those that fall into the M14 DMR or an AR-10 type platforms.
Sidearms: The standard sidearm for all personnel in the unit is the 1911 pistol chambered in .45 ACP. Officers and Scout Snipers may have their choice of firearm, so long as it has the option to mount a suppressor.
Please guys, from now on, carry IFAKs on every loadout, it makes it easier for a corpsman to do his job, if the casualty has been stabilized by the time he arrives, and get another marine back into the fight. That is all, thank you.
Capt McIntire Admin replied
499 weeks ago