This epic movie follows young shepherd David taking on the mighty warrior Goliath against all odds. Filmed in North Africa and London. Young David, a.k.a. Shepherd Boy, has more faith in God than anyone else among his people. If no one in Saul's army will take on Goliath - the champion man-slayer among Leader Jaggar's Philistines - he will. David's soldier brothers, Eliab and Abinadab, have no encouragement for their underage sibling's foolhardy venture and do all they can to crush it; but, with no one else showing a gram of moxie to stand against the taunting giant, Saul finally permits the confrontation and prepares for the young lad's certain death - a determined boy who stubbornly approaches the giant without sword, spear or protective leather vest. Bible based, and especially Christian based titles tend to be reviewed harshly based solely on their Biblical and/or Christian message. Titles such as God's Not Dead, God's Not Dead 2, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, War Room, etc., have critics decrying the message itself and not about the quality of the film, actors, editing and production. For those who thought this would not be about God, with a solid Christian/Judaeo message should read the title slowly and out loud. Of course, it is going to have a Sunday School, Church message, if it is going to be true to the original story.<br/><br/>Being mostly period accurate and Bible accurate is about the only good thing one can say about this movie. But, even here it fails to deliver.<br/><br/>I thought the only saving grace to this movie was the fact that it almost stayed true to the Bible narrative. Evidently the Biblical Consultant (Pastor Victor G Chey) did not consult the Bible itself, especially for the David slew Goliath scene.<br/><br/>Perhaps Visual Effects Supervisors (Adam Kowalski and Lance Lee Davis) did not know how to show a stone that "struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth." (NKJV) Instead, it bounces off the giants head just above his right eye, the giant then wobbles for a while until falling to his knees where David cuts off the giants head…. instead of the actual narration. Perhaps they did not know how to film this, too.<br/><br/>You can read the account in 1 Samuel 17:48-51, too bad that the Chey's did not, or did not know how to put this on film.<br/><br/>Acting was terrible. Directing was horrible. Editing was awful. I have seen better work from the local high school students doing film in art class.<br/><br/>Miles Sloman, was groomed and styled after Michelangelo's David. His acting skills showed promise. The voice was week, but delivery was good, good enough for a High School stage play. Tom Bonington who has over 100 credits gave us brief hope at times that we would not remain bored. For a move intent on giving us hope, hope dies here.<br/><br/>The others, mostly gave stiff deliveries of their lines, either at normal voice or yelling. It appears that yelling was the way Directory Timothy A Chey had the actors show emotion. The only time raising the voice works is when it is delivered by Miles Sloman.<br/><br/>I would not recommend this movie to any one, not even for a Sunday School lesson.<br/><br/>I used to rate Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978) as the worst movie ever made.<br/><br/>David and Goliath just took its place. Truly, this is the worst film ever made.The acting is worse than any infant nativity play .The "fight" scene is a joke….surely? I would recommend watching it simply to make you realise that there are better things to do with your life! How anyone wasn't arrested for inflicting this garbage on us is a mystery!All the actors are useless. The clown that portrays David looks like he needs a blood transfusion.Goliath has simply eaten too many pies. The Philistines are as frightening as any church choir. I cannot believe this film is to be taken seriously at all. Anyone associated with it must have had nothing better to do.I would like to know how the cast have done , career wise, since this dross was inflicted upon us. If the " positive" reviews are genuine, then we really are living in a dangerous world. To say this " film" is fantastic beggars belief. Surely someone is kidding? There is nothing else to say.
Giotrevi replied
337 weeks ago